What kinds of payments do you take?

Put down a deposit and then you can pay cash the day of the move, or we can take Venmo or credit card if we know in advance.

How do I pay at the end of the job?

If cash, just settle up with the foreman. If credit card or Venmo, we’ll talk about it and get a deposit ahead of your move day.

Can you guarantee what time you’ll be at my place?

You’ve heard the expression, “The early bird gets the worm?” This applies here. If you want us to be at your place by a certain time, schedule us first thing in the morning. We’ll do our best to be there then, traffic-willing! If you pick the second or third slot of the day, we will only be able to give you a window, because even with the best preparation of the people before you, we are never sure exactly how long a move will take.

A “window”? Like the cable guy?

Yep, exactly.

What if you finish your other job early?

We’ll be in touch by phone to see if you are ready for us. Keep that phone charged and handy!

OK, but if you’re late, then I get a discount?

Sorry, no. There are so many variables in moving that even with a detailed list of the client before you it is almost impossible to pinpoint the exact time of arrival to your residence. Certain variables include weather, more inventory than expected , traffic, etc. We make no guarantees, especially if you’re second or third in line. What we do guarantee is that we will stay in touch that day to keep you updated as much as possible!

Can we help you move to make it go faster?

We aren’t going to stop you midstream if we see you coming down the stairs with boxes. The best help you can provide is making sure your furniture will fit through all your doors and hallways, ahead of time. Or if it was assembled in the apartment and now can’t make it out, that you divide it into pieces that will fit. Other things you can do include watching the truck on the street, helping prep your building for our arrival, and letting us know about any disassembly and reassembly we might need to do ahead of time.

Where did your name come from?

Once upon a time the owner played guitar in a Broadway show (Passing Strange) where he was mentioned in a NY Times article: “his hair like a wooly mammoth was center stage blocking the actors.” We thought it was funny and fitting: natural curls are cool! Also wooly mammoths were strong and had an air of chill about them.

How many trucks do you have?

Two. We have a 16-foot box truck with a granny’s attic (extra room above the cab) as well as an awesome Sprinter van. We also rent much larger trucks when needed.

What’s travel time?

Travel time is the time before or after your move that we charge if you are outside our normal 20-minute radius. Same with after your move. If we move you from Brooklyn to the Bronx, there will be travel time for us to return to our Brooklyn parking lot in Clinton Hill.

Can we ride with you in the truck?

We know it seems super fun to ride in the truck! But we barely have enough room for ourselves to sit, so no. Though we consider ourselves to be “emotionally available movers” and love to talk about all the cool bands we’ve been in—as well as your life changes—it’s a liability that’s not covered in our insurance.

Do you rent out your trucks and vans?

No. A long, long time ago we would rent our 15-passenger van out for bands on tour but became too complicated. Plus, we need them all the time to move all you New Yorkers.

Can you get me a C.O.I.?


Do you move pianos?

No. That’s called a “speciality” move and we will happily refer you to someone. There are exceptions, though. Wurlys and Rhodes are fine! 

I have a lot of cool IKEA furniture! Can you make sure it gets to my new place in one piece?

We can’t guarantee the absolute safe transport of IKEA furniture as it is not made to be assembled/reassembled multiple times. When it is moved whole it often is very unstable due to the construction methods used by IKEA. We love IKEA and even have it in our own homes, but we have to put a caveat out there in advance due to our experience moving it. (There’s a reason it’s so affordable!)

How should I pack different kinds of boxes?

SMALL BOXES; Please pack heavy things in small boxes. Types of items: books, dishes, your kid’s piggybank with 3,000 pennies, etc. Rule of thumb is “f**k, this is heavy.”

MEDIUM BOXES: Please pack medium-heavy things in medium boxes. Types of items: You know, not heavy and not light and still fits in the box.

LARGE BOXES: Please pack linens, lampshades, clothes, and shoes in these. The rule of thumb is: bulky, but not too heavy.

EXTRA LARGE BOXES: Large Lampshades, Oddly-shaped things like that old Texaco sign you bought in Texas. Types of items: light and bulky.

Why do you prefer most things to be boxed (even like, lampshades)?

We know moving is stressful and you might forget to tell us “ that lampshade is from 1929 and belonged to my grandmother and is worth $900 and oh by the way just throw it in back of the truck at the end.” Sometimes a lampshade that is worth $900 might look like it’s worth $29. For that reason, if you box it properly and label it “fragile” we can be sure that we keep it safe!

What is “chowder” in moving speak?

No, it’s not fish soup! “Chowder” is the loosey goosey stuff at the very end that doesn’t have proper boxes that you put in all the little nooks and crannies of the truck. Kinda like the end of the movie The Jerk where Steve Martin says “ and all I need is this little lamp...and...maybe this old telephone…and…” etc etc, you get our drift..

Do you do packing? And provide packing supplies?

We sure do! We will usually want to pack you the day before your move so things go smoothly and quickly on moving day. Packing is the same price and takes longer than moving. That said, we know some people have busy lives. With advance notice, we can take that over for you and have packing supplies delivered (no charge for shipping) straight to your door, before we get there. 

Do you have moving blankets and shrink film (giant saran wrap) and dollies and tape?

Why, of course! And we cycle out our old blankets for new ones on a regular basis. We have some cool songs that we like to sing about moving supplies, like, for instance, Hello Dolly!

Should I offer your peeps water or snacks?

What better way to thank hardworking, courteous movers than with a friendly smile and an offer for water or a cookie?

Is there an even better way to thank them?

Tip them! Typical is 15-25% of the total move cost, but we always welcome more. Tip in CASH. We can’t add that to the credit card or Venmo. We’ll divide it between our crew, so hand it to the foreman. This isn’t mandatory, but ask yourself, if you got your friends to help you move, what would you spend on pizza and beer? (Not to mention the price of the never-ending-requests to move them next time.)

Beatles or Rolling Stones?


Can you recommend a good book about moving?

The Long Haul- A Truckers Tales of Life on The Road by Finn Murphy.